We are approved to work with most luxury hotel brands, including The Ritz-Carlton, Hyatt Hotels and Resorts, Marriott Hotels, Kempinski and the Luxury Collection. We also photograph a lot of independent hotels and boutique hotels all around the world.­­­­­

Frequently asked questions

  • How many photographs will you take in one day?
    Probably the number one question... it really varies. A bathroom will take less than an hour to photograph, a hotel ballroom could take three hours. Generally, we aim for around 7 to 10 per day.
  • Do you charge by the day or by the image?
    Neither- we generally receive a brief and then quote for the whole shoot.
  • Can we see the hotel photographs online?
    Yes- after the shoot, we will upload a preview web gallery for approval. Once approved, the images are sent out as a digital release with the agreed licensing.
  • Do you use any additional lighting?
    Lots- the real skill is blending in our lights with the existing room lighting and make everything look natural. Most of the image on this website used around 10 lights to produce.
  • What format are the photographs in?
    We provide a set of hi res tiff files which are large 300dpi RGB files for printing at the best quality. We also send high resolution jpeg images of the same size but compressed and these can be e-mailed to a printer or magazine if required. Finally, we also include a set of low resolution jpeg images, suitable for web use, e-mailing to clients and PowerPoint presentations.
  • What equipment do you use?
    Whatever is best suited for the shoot- mostly, its PhaseOne digital medium format. These give large A3 size files for maximum cropping flexibility.
  • Is there anything we can do in advance?
    Again, lots! We have a bunch of notes we send out in advance for Housekeeping, Engineering etc on how best to prepare everything.
  • How quickly can we receive the hotel photography?
    Usually around ten days after the shoot.
  • Is it possible to get one or two images quicker- we need to do a PR release?
    We appreciate there may be an urgent need for some photographs and can usually pick 3 or 4 to rush process in 48 hours. 
  • We have guidelines for photography- will that be a problem?
    We are approved to work with The Ritz-Carlton, Luxury Collection, Sheraton,  Hyatt Hotels & Resorts, Curio Hotels and Kempinski. We are quite used to working to a specific brief.
  • Can you do film and photography on the same shoot?
    Absolutely- in fact, we prefer that as it is only one set up and much quicker and cost efficient than doing two separate shoots.


We are based in London but frequently work all around the world.